Vue 3 Teleport: Effortless Portal-like Component Rendering

Vue 3 Teleport is a powerful feature that enables you to effortlessly render components outside their parent hierarchy, creating a portal-like effect. This capability is incredibly useful for scenarios where you need to render components at a different DOM location while maintaining the parent-child relationship in your Vue application. In this article, we’ll dive into Vue 3 Teleport, explore its syntax, and provide clear examples to illustrate its usage.

Introduction to Vue 3 Teleport

What is Vue 3 Teleport?

Vue 3 Teleport allows you to render a component’s content at a different place in the DOM, breaking free from the parent-child hierarchy while maintaining the component’s logical connection.

Setting Up Vue 3 Teleport

Project Configuration

Ensure you have a Vue 3 project set up. You can use the Vue CLI to create a new project:

vue create my-teleport-app

Enabling Vue 3 Teleport

Make sure your project is using Vue 3. Teleport is a built-in feature in Vue 3, so there’s no need for additional installations.

Basic Usage of Vue 3 Teleport

Teleporting a Component

Let’s start with a simple example. Assume you have a modal component, and you want to render it outside the current component hierarchy.

<!-- src/components/Modal.vue -->
  <div class="modal">
    <teleport to="body">
      <!-- Content to be teleported -->
      <div class="modal-content">
        <!-- Modal content goes here -->

export default {
  name: 'Modal',

<style scoped>
/* Styles for the modal component */

Teleporting to a Specific DOM Element

Teleporting to a Different DOM Element

You can teleport the content to a specific DOM element by providing its selector to the to attribute.

<!-- src/components/TeleportedComponent.vue -->
  <teleport to="#teleport-target">
    <!-- Content to be teleported -->
      <!-- Teleported content goes here -->

export default {
  name: 'TeleportedComponent',

Advanced Teleportation

Teleporting with Dynamic Targets

Teleporting to different targets dynamically based on a condition.

<!-- src/components/DynamicTeleport.vue -->
  <teleport :to="dynamicTargetSelector">
    <!-- Dynamic content to be teleported -->
      <!-- Dynamic content goes here -->

export default {
  name: 'DynamicTeleport',
  data() {
    return {
      dynamicTargetSelector: '#dynamic-target',

Conclusion: Streamlining Component Rendering with Vue 3 Teleport

Vue 3 Teleport provides a seamless way to render components outside their parent hierarchy, offering flexibility and ease of use. Whether you’re building modals, tooltips, or any other UI components, Vue 3 Teleport empowers you to create a clean and modular structure in your Vue applications. With the examples provided, you can now leverage Vue 3 Teleport to streamline your component rendering and enhance the overall user experience in your Vue projects. Happy teleporting!